Monday, May 11, 2009

Days of My Life

Yesterday night, just before I was going to sleep, I realized that thousands of miles away from where I am now, some people are packing their bags and going someplace else, still thousands of miles away from where I am. Logically, it makes no sense for it to bother me. But when has life been so logical? It never has. At least not with me. I am talking about my friends at VIT, my university in India. Most of them have completed their term at university and are now going back home, forever. It makes me sad. I have been away from VIT for almost six months now, but I have never felt away from it. It never bothered me that I wasnt at the place I spent the most wonderful days of my life. But now it does. Because somehow the presence of my friends at VIT made me feel connected to it. It doesnt anymore. Three weeks from now I will be back in India and would probably be at VIT a week later. Those buildings, those gardens, those restaurants, everything would be the same. Just that its me who would be the stranger.

I have spent the best days of my life at VIT. I have had good days and bad ones. And if given a chance I would like to go back to those days, even the bad ones, if only I were given a chance to go back in time. VIT has made me a better person in many ways. It has taught me a lot of lessons in life. There have been days I have been happier than ever before or after in my life, but there have also been days when I wondered why God has to be so cruel to me. But I appreciate each of those moments, both happy and sad ones. VIT is where I fell in Love for the first time, or at least I thought I did. That was one of the most profound experiences, in a positive sense. VIT is where I have made some of the best friends I have today. And I appreciate that more than anything else. There was once a time when I thought socializing and friendship is something I might never have in my life. VIT changed that forever. How can I ever forget that? I still may not be that good at socializing because of being a little shy but my life at VIT has taught me never to regret something that even your best cannot achieve. You can never be better than your best. All you can do is to try. In short, it has taught me to be nice to myself.

There is a famous saying, that the only thing constant in life is CHANGE. I have never had the heart to accept it. But soon, I may not really have a choice.